Written by Madeline Kasmier

Thanksgiving, a holiday of thankfulness and fun, is being overlooked.
Thanksgiving became a national holiday on October 3, 1863. It was proclaimed by none other than Abraham Lincoln himself, and it was decided to be celebrated once every November on a Thursday.
To this day we still all celebrate Thanksgiving. However it's not a very hyped up holiday since it's in between Halloween and Christmas, two of the biggest holidays.
You never see Thanksgiving decor in stores. Once Halloween is over it goes straight to Christmas decor.
But even with that, a survey was conducted in 2023 to show off how many Americans were going to celebrate this holiday that year. It is said that 83 percent of Americans would be celebrating Thanksgiving in 2023.
There are a variety of traditions people partake in on Thanksgiving. The biggest one of all that is a no brainer: a roasted Turkey served as the main part of the Thanksgiving dinner. When people think of Thanksgiving they think of turkeys; I’m not entirely sure how that happened.
There are other dishes that are a part of the Thanksgiving dinner such as pumpkin pie, pecan pie, apple pie, sweet potato pie, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potato casseroles with marshmallows, green bean casseroles, stuffing, cranberry sauce, rolls, cornbread, green beans, candied yams, brussel sprouts, and, arguable the best one, ham (~Mmmmmmh ham~).
With all this food, we make a gigantic feast to share with loved ones. We show our thankfulness to each other and we have a good time.
That's the main tradition, but there are smaller ones that make this holiday really nice. There’s breaking the wishbone from a turkey; watching the Macy's Day Parade; the Turkey Trot; watching/playing football; volunteering at a soup kitchen to give people food who don’t have enough money for a big Thanksgiving; making crafts (possibly a hand turkey); writing down what you’re thankful for…and so many more possibilities.
It's a pretty fun-filled day and the best part is that the next day we celebrate something else called Black Friday. It’s when most store prices go down for one single day and everyone is trying to get a good deal to save money. Although, it is all in preparation for the holiday that overshadows all: Christmas.
Regardless, people like this holiday a lot, it's the time for them to celebrate the things that came forth from the past year and to be appreciative of it.