Gypsy Rose Blanchard and her mother (Claudia Blanchard a.k.a DeeDee) have been in and out of the news since 2005 when they lost their house due to hurricane Katrina. After they lost their house they moved to a house in Aurora, Missouri. At this time Claudia claimed that all of Gypsy’s medical records were damaged and lost due to Katrina’s flooding. She began to start claiming that Gypsy Rose has many diagnoses including leukemia and they were only worsening.
Gypsy Rose Blanchard and mother DeeDee Blanchard as well as hospital picture of Gypsy and A somewhat recent Picture of our “it” girl while in prison
After hearing little to nothing about Gypsy Rose and her mother,three years later in 2008 the news reported that Habitat for Humanity was rebuilding them a home in Springfield,Missouri with a ramp for easy wheelchair access. At this time Gypsy used a wheelchair, an oxygen tank, and had a feeding tube. Gypsy Rose and DeeDee would frequently go on trips to Disneyland and get to do things through the Make-A-Wish foundation. During this time the public was under the impression that Gypsy Rose was dying and probably wouldn't make it to 18. Little did they know DeeDee was suffering from Munchhausen Syndrome By Proxy (MSBP) and Gypsy Rose’s age wasn't her real age .
MSBP is a mental illness and a form of child abuse in which the care taker of the child causes health issues or makes up health issues to make it seem like the child is sick. DeeDee would fake medical records, feed Gypsy pills, tell her she was allergic to things that she really wasn't allergic to, have doctors perform procedures, as well as convince everyone she was paralyzed from the neck down.
A year or two after their infamous Pink House was built Gypsy's doctors start to have doubts about her diagnosis. They started to run newer tests and started to realize that she wasn't worsening.
As Gypsy grew older,she became a bit of a rebellious teen. She became more and more interested in boys; she even tried to run away with one she met at a convention but she got caught by DeeDee and in return DeeDee destroyed her phone and computer. This didn’t stop Gypsy from finding her prince charming oh no it didn’t. She later got a burner phone and began to talk to a man (Nicolas Godejohn) through a Christian dating site. They began to talk more and more before they became “official” and started their short lived “love story”.
Gypsy so desperately wanted a love story, starting to say she was in love with Nicolas. Their relationship quickly became serious for the lovebirds as they wanted to run off and get married and start a life together. They started to plan how they could do that when gypsy had two main ideas. Idea one: meet at the movies, tell DeeDee, get her blessing, and then get Pregnant. Idea two: murder DeeDee (spoiler alert they did idea two).
When they met up at the movie theater, things didn't go too well ...DeeDee accused Nic of being an admirer of children and moved seats, so DeeDee moved her and Gypsy. Later on in the movie Gypsy went to the restroom where Nic was waiting to pull her into the mens room. There they had relations and decided they needed to kill DeeDee.
They went on with the plan. Nic snuck into Gypsy’s house after DeeDee was asleep and went into her room while Gypsy hid in the bathroom and waited for Nic to stab her mother 17 times. Then they went to Nic’s house where they were found and went on trial for murder. Gypsy served 10 years in prison but got an early release on December 28th 2023 after serving 85% of a 10-year sentence while Nic is still serving his life sentence.