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The club that's filling our hearts and stomachs, MHS’s New Baking Club.

Writer: Caelyn OchsCaelyn Ochs

Just last week, the new baking club, The Amazing Bakers, started their business of selling cookie cards during lunch to raise money for a trip to Washington D.C. From their first appearance during Club Rush, The Amazing Bakers addicted the school with free samples, educating fellow students on what their club is and what they do. On Thursday, they officially started their business of selling. Club members walked around campus with signs advertising their $1.50 cookie cards that you could use to later pick up two cookies from their classroom.

The group is run by four students in the SPED class and their Teacher/Advisor, Allison Smith, but all the other students in the class help and participate in the baking and selling of these delicious treats. These four students are the club’s officers: President TJ Suite-Thomson, Vice President Daniel Donham, Secretary Demetrius Roberson, and Treasurer Hunter Sisson.

Image: Hunter Sisson shows off his art skills through club poster art

In an interview with the four club members, they all talked about how this club was the best social group activity for them and really helped bring them closer together as a class, agreeing that baking is a very calming activity for them. TJ goes into more detail about how fun he thinks it is to experiment with different flavors of cookies, like different types of chocolate chips they could add and other fun ingredients. When asked what the most important ingredient was, Daniel Donham stated simply, “love”. Many agree and Demetrius also added that vanilla is definitely another important ingredient but that you have to be careful with it and put in a lot of care when adding it in. I personally definitely think it’s nice to know that much love, focus, and care goes into the making of these delicious cookies.

With the quality of these cookies, we don’t have to worry, Secretary Demetrius and one of the bakers in the club stated, when asked if they taste test their products, “No cause I know my products are always good.” Everyone at Club Rush seemed to love those delicious butterscotch cookies he made so you know he is as good as he says. However, don’t worry about getting a bad untested cookie because they do in fact taste-test the cookies, but only the broken ones, according to President TJ. That’s pretty smart if you think about it because it would be pretty bad to eat your top-selling products by claiming you are just taste-testing.

Image: Photo of Baking Club cookies ready for sale

Besides being a fun and calming social activity the club also has a more personal meaning to the members besides, allowing them the opportunity to go on a huge trip across the country. To TJ Suite-Thomson it also has a strong connection to family. In the interview, he goes on to talk about his sister, proving the most important ingredient is love and these cookies truly fill our hearts with that love:

“I really love my sister, she is really great and really into baking.” Then when asked if his sister inspired him to help start this club he said, “She inspired me to start baking and when I heard the teacher wants to open up a club of making cookies I got excited and started to try and make cookies like my sister does.”

Hunter Sisson also had a very warming thing to say when asked what baking is to them. He was called the artist of the club and most of the artwork you see on their posters was done by him. He said, “Baking isn't just a thing, it’s art” If you really think about it baking definitely is an art with all the time and effort they spend in making these cookies.

More about this amazing trip to Washington D.C. The main goal of this club is to raise money for their field trip. They hope to visit all the cool historical places D.C. has to offer and as one club member even said, their excited to see the Lilies. During the trip, they also plan to visit the fun sights just across the river in Virginia. Some of these places mentioned were Jamestown and the Smithsonian. They hope to take the trip during Spring break so they don’t have to work around school.

Now when asked if they had any final words to say about the club TJ Suite-Thomson said,

“All I would like to say is that we are really friendly to newcomers you guys can come in anytime, and you guys can sign up, we will have the sign-up sheet right near the computer and you can be able to have fun”

So if you are hungry or just curious go check out these fantastic bakers on Tuesdays and Fridays at lunch in room (5) While there make sure you bring some cash and buy a card to get these amazing cookies while also adding to their funds to be able to go on this one and a lifetime trip to Washington Dc.


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